The CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change) is committed to raising awareness about climate change and promoting the development of analyses and solutions for adaptation through simplified access to post-processed precipitation data. These data are now available for the basins of Emilia Romagna, affected by the intense meteorological events of May 2023.

Through Dataclime, it is possible to access and download both hourly and daily precipitation time series for each basin free of charge. The time series are available not only for grid points within the basin but also for those located on the territory’s edges.

The provided files contain crucial information, including longitude, latitude, units of measurement, and series of values. This data is freely accessible with the aim of raising awareness about climate change and stimulating the creation of innovative adaptation solutions.

Users can register for free on Dataclime ( to access the service. For further details and to promote interaction with researchers, the development team is available at the email address

It is important to note that the time series are available for the entire Italian domain within the CMCC’s DSS platform (, thus offering a wide range of climate data for research and the development of innovative solutions.

Access the Service

To access the service for free, registration is required by clicking on login/register.