Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

Climate data visualization

This service is used to support local climate hazard assessment, climate risk assessment and to define adaptation strategies.
It offers various climate indicators and allows the display of climate analyses, which can be customized according to user needs via:

  • Maps of climate variations with uncertainty assessment,
  • Time series of climate data with trend assessment,
  • Climate maps over a reference period.

The service allows the user to directly access to the necessary information through a “user-friendly” interface.
Once registered, the user can select the dataset of interest, various climate indicators, the area or geographical location of interest and/or the time period.
“The service is constantly evolving” to improve accessibility to climate analysis considering the different skills and needs of the users.

Climate hazard analysis

Climate change induces complex variations in climate characteristics on different spatial and temporal scales. These variations can produce negative impacts on environmental and socioeconomic systems, rising “climate hazards”.

This service analyzes the evolution of specific climate characteristics through the identification of climate indicators, which summarize some of the characteristics (e.g. frequency, intensity and duration) of atmospheric extreme events which produce important impacts on the territory. The Knowledge of the evolution (decrease, increase or stationarity) of those hazards (e.g. heat waves, drought, intense rainfall) plays a crucial role for the study of climate risk.

Understanding the characteristics of the climate hazard plays a key role for the definition of adaptation strategies.

pericolosità climatica

Climate risk analysis

Climate risk analysis is a key tool for both strategic planning and business operations.
This type of assessment helps to understand the risks and the opportunities to be considered during these kinds of processes.
This service allows the users to select and prioritize the risks to be analyzed using the identified scenarios, in order to quantify their impacts, using specific methodologies.

These analyzes are developed following the model produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which considers risk as a product of the interaction between climate hazard, exposure and vulnerability (splitted into sensitivity and adaptive capacity).

Planning support

Climate change represents and will represent in the future one of the most important challenges on a global scale. The Mediterranean area, for example, will be affected by the most significant impacts of climate change in the coming decades. The increase in temperatures, the reduction in precipitation and the greater frequency of extreme events (heat waves, intense precipitation, etc.) represent the most relevant impact indicators for Europe.

The impacts are extremely diversified between and within regions; this is the reason why international climate policies promote, at various levels and scales, the adoption of strategies and actions for adaptation to climate change. Dataclime can support adaptation strategies and plans. For example, the platform can support local administrators, engaged in adapting their territories to climate change, with the elements needed for the development and the drafting of local adaptation plans for climate change.


Extreme events monitoring

This service is an interactive classification of extreme events on Italian territory. It provides users with various results: maps, meteorological reports and high-resolution climate analyses.

The service is based on the use of ERA5* and ERA5@2km** modeling reanalyzes which provide a coherent picture of the current climate, combining numerical modeling with observations.

The service analyzes the main atmospheric events with socio-economic impacts: anomalous heat and cold, intense precipitation, drought and storms associated with different atmospheric parameters. The events, classified according to their occurrence and magnitude, are displayed through summary maps on a daily basis and made available through csv files on an hourly basis, with temporal and spatial localization.

For the most important events, the service provides ad-hoc meteorological reports, which describe the evolution of the phenomena that determined the events and which collect evidence of the impacts on the ground generated by them. It can provide both information about the current year, but also go back in the past.
Through this product, the user can view and download maps with related text files (.csv), containing information relating to the event and meteorological reports for the days of interest.


This is an Innovative operational service for the assessment and management of hazards induced by climatic conditions, promoted by the Foundation Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Human Development (IFAB).

The collaboration between the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) and Leithà Unipol Group led to the development and implementation of IFAB’s first project: the European Extreme Events Climate Index (E3CI).

E3CI is an “ongoing experiment” for the definition of a synthetic index aimed at providing information about the areas affected by different types of meteorological hazards and the severity of such events. Currently, based on the corresponding index developed for North America (Actuaries Climate Index), five components are included and they return information on the following main climate hazards: cold and heat stress, drought, heavy rainfall, intense winds. The data will be made available at different levels of Administrative Unit; data are currently produced at country level.

For more information on hazard assessment click here.

For more information on the terms of use of the E3CI service click here

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CMCC - Viale Thomas Alva Edison s.n.c. - 81100 Caserta


+39 0823 1902411